
sincera's pandora

How to treat your resumé like a Bastion Host

First of all, what on Earth is a Bastion Host anyways?

Well, when we talk about this in terms of your resumé, we’re talking about three major points:

  1. Contact information (incl. references)
  2. Tools and Technologies
  3. What you did and what you did it with

Lets begin

1. Only give them what they need to see


This will protect your references, and yourself from more than just spam.

2. Careful with the specifics

If your resumé is loaded with descriptions of exact model numbers, RTM versions (Server 2003, anyone?), or precise definitions of exactly what technology is being used at a company, then you are putting that company at risk.


This will protect your current employer.

What about LinkedIn? They literally tell us to use this stuff as keywords…

Are we done?

This will be the first step to protect your current employer. We’re not done yet, but this lays the groundwork for the next steps.

3. Take it and run with it


This will protect your previous employers.

Final Word

Hackers are taught to use any means necessary to gain a foothold into an organization. They usually start with open-source intelligence. One of the most effective means is social media. The more information a hacker can glean about a target, the easier it becomes for them to gain a foothold into the organization.

So be less of a target and more like a bastion host.
